Baker Calls For Investigation Into Rosenberg Husband Allegations

BOSTON (WBZ-AM) -- Gov. Charlie Baker is calling for an investigation after a bombshell Boston Globe report detailing allegations of sexual assault against the husband of Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg.

"Frankly, I'm appalled by the allegations," Baker told WBZ NewsRadio 1030. "They're disturbing, they're distressing, and I really felt for the people when I read the story who came forward."

Four men have come forward to tell the Globe that Bryon Hefner sexually assaulted three of them and kissed the fourth against his will--but said they felt powerless to do anything about it because Hefner is married to Rosenberg.

"I think it's really important for the Senate, as soon as possible, to conduct a thorough investigation of these allegations," Baker said.

Attorney General Maura Healey also called for an investigation. She called the allegations "deeply disturbing."

The four men were reported to be doing business with the Senate. Hefner is alleged to have boasted about his relationship with and influence with his spouse, who has presided over the senate from 2015.

The Globe reported that the men said Hefner touched them inappropriately, at times when Rosenberg was just steps away--but there was no evidence Rosenberg knew what had happened.

When elected to lead the Senate, Rosenberg promised to wall off his then-fiancee after Hefner bragged about his influence on Beacon Hill. 

Senate President Rosenberg issued a statement saying the Globe report was the first he's heard about the allegations. He said he supports the calls for an independent investigation, which he would recuse himself from.  

Rosenberg said he's appointing his deputy majority leader, Harriette Chandler, to lead an investigation.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Mike Macklin reports

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